The Age of Inventors
The Age of Corporate Innovation
Samsung Electronics History Museum
Operating hours
Weekdays: 13:00 ~ 14:00 (visit reservation required), Saturday: 10:00 ~ 17:00 (16:00 entrance deadline)
Closing day
Public holidays, alternative holidays, worker's day, the last day of each year (12/31)
Exhibition Hall Introduction
It is the largest electronic industry history museum in Korea and is a space where you can see and feel the remarkable achievements and innovations of the electronics industry. Meet and experience the history, vision, and latest technologies of Samsung Electronics, which has grown into an electronics industry company and a global company.
Exhibition Hall Information
The Samsung Innovation Museum displays and talks about the history and future of innovation in the electronics industry.
First-floor history museum
Two-layer product tube
2nd floor S/I/M image tube - 180 degree wide screen
Exhibition Hall on the 3rd Floor
Exhibition Hall News